Monday, February 6, 2012

Eat Fish, Live Longer. Eat oysters, Love Longer.

Friday nights are my favorite nights to relax and unwind from the stress of the week. I dont usually go out partying Friday nights. In fact, I like to have dinner, relax on the couch, read and/or watch movies. This Friday, since I haven't had a date night a while, I went to my all-time favorite Seafood restaurant in Queens. London Lennies is such a neighborhood gem! The food is so fresh, the service is splendid, the raw bar is amazing, and it has received countless awards. And when you walk in, you don't feel like you're in New York anymore. It feels like you're in Boston or Maine somewhere. 

I wasn't very hungry due to a big lunch so I didnt order much. But what I did order was amazing! Started off dinner with a dozen Kumamoto oysters - just what I was in the mood for! Then for the entree, I got this crab-meat stuffed jumbo shrimp  with plaintain chips over this creamy sauce that was so phenomenal. And simply enjoyed it all with a bottle of Pinot Grigio from Oregon. By the way, if you havent tried wine from Oregon yet, you should! Their vineyards are up and coming and produce really fabulous wines. 

Photo from their website

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