Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy New Year!

Even though New Years was only last month, I can't help but feel nostalgic about it. If I may speak for the majority, every year on Jan 1st, we establish these resolutions and are so DRIVEN to achieve them but do we ever really accomplish them? Well a whole 5 weeks later... I have to ask myself, am I on track on keeping my resolutions?...

Well let's start off by listing some that I am achieving: 
1) Blog more - yes! I am on track
2) Cook more - yes! 
3) Travel to a international destination - Italy next week - yay!
4) Read more books - this is my resolution from last year, and yes, I am hooked on books!

So far so good... But here are some that I have not achieved yet, but will work towards:
5) Volunteering more - I'd like to set a goal of once a month.
6) Stretch and exercise more - its winter...So in my head, I still have time! 
7) Re-learn Spanish - I just got Rosetta Stone so I will be working on this! 

And here are some I am continually working on:
8) Spend more time with family
9) Stop impulsive (and compulsive) shopping. Don't buy things you don't need!
10) Be more positive and optimistic - Can't overdose on either.

And here are some goals of mine... 
See 1 Broadway Show this year
See 1 game of each professional sport (NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL)
See 3 Live Concerts
Go to a music festival
Train to run a 5k race

Next month, I'm going to revisit this list and I hope to be on track! We shall see... Cheers to a happy and healthy 2012!

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