Saturday, March 3, 2012

Truffettes de France

Godiva who?! THIS is by far my favorite chocolate on earth. For all the rich dark chocolate lovers out there, Truffettes de France is your PLEASURE PRINCIPLE! These truffles come with special directions on how to eat them and the ideal temperature to store them. Based on that alone, one can immediately tell these are NOT ordinary truffles. What makes this chocolate stand out to me is that they are dusted in cocoa powder! It is unlike any chocolate I have ever tasted! And trust me, I've tried every brand under the sun. You bite into them and your teeth will sink into a soft, sensual paradise and your world literally stops for a few minutes. Yes. That's how good it is!  So what does a chocolate that comes with precise instructions on how to eat it taste like? Well, scientists say that cacao contains as many as four hundred different identified aroma chemicals - from floral, fruity, earthy, spicy, nutty, and everything in between. Once you taste the cocoa powder, the chocolate goodness just melts in your mouth like butter. One truffle is simply not enough and you have to literally have some serious self control to not want to eat 5 at once! But trust me, even if you only eat one, your taste-buds will be immensely satisfied. This is truly a chocolate lover's aphrodisiac. And they're only $15-20. So what are you waiting for?... Buy them! And let me know what you think!

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