Friday, March 2, 2012

Roti Canai

Roti canai (pronunciation tʃanai) is a type of Indian-influenced flatbread found in Malaysia or Indesia. It is known as Roti Prata in Southern Malaysia and Singapore, and is similar to the Indian Kerala Porotta. When making this, the dough misture is constantly kneaded and folded over itself repeatedly so it can poof and rise. The ideal roti canai is circular and flat, but fluffy on the inside, and light and flaky on the outside. It is served folded like a fortune cookie, and is served with a chicken and potato curry dip. You eat this bread with your hands by pulling it apart and dipping it or by using it to sop up any sauce. 

Being that I am part Indonesian, I LOVE their food. This is one of my favorite appetizers and if you ever find yourself looking at this as a choice on the appetizer list, be sure to order it! That's an order.

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